
Starting Weight (August 2020): 355 lbs.
Current Weight (11/5/2020): 327 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 28 lbs.

I am finally cleared to start my one-year diet program. I am on the OptiFast diet for up to 16 weeks, limited to just shakes, bars, and soup. It’s actually not as bad as I thought it would be and I’ve adjusted well in the first couple days. I’m already seeing a weight loss, and see that my stretch goal of dropping 120 pounds in a year can actually happen. I slowed down a bit because I took my last “free” weekend to eat well. In hindsight, shouldn’t have done that, but it’s all good, I’ve recovered and then some so far. Weighed in this morning at 327 lbs.

So after the first 16 weeks, I will start to ease back into “regular” food. The first 16 weeks is supposed to get rid of old habits and take away the impulses that I have gravitated to that put me in the position of needed a diet like this. It all seems logical and sound, and I’m in 100%.

I meet every week with a nutritionist and will be doing blood work to make sure that the rapid weight loss isn’t taking its toll on my liver and pancreas. I have to get one more thing taken care of and then I can start exercising drop even more weight. The doctor did advise me to not exercise too much because I am only taking in about 970 calories a day, and this will not support any strenuous exercise. I’ll have to figure out how to best balance that in the first 16 weeks.

On a positive note, all my clothes are looser now and I’m looking forwards to taking my older close out of closet storage since they “should” be able to fit again soon!

By Kreuz