Almost Half Way

Starting Weight (August 2020): 355 lbs.
Current Weight (1/08/2021): 292 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 63 lbs.

Weight Loss Goal: 225 lbs.
Pounds to Go: 67 lbs.

I set an aggressive goal to lose 130 pounds in a year starting last August just before my annual trip to New Mexico. As of today I am “almost” at the half way point.

As I was reflecting on this I realized that near my hometown of Wausau, Wisconsin, we were just south of the the center of the world. This is the feature image of this post that I used since I am “almost” half-way to my goal of losing 130 pounds in a year, and Wausau is “almost” at the half way point to the center of the world!

The 45×90 points, as they’re called, are the four points on Earth which are halfway between the geographical poles, the equator, the Prime Meridian, and the 180th meridian. Only two of these points are on land – the other two fall in the middle of the ocean. And the one not in Wisconsin is in a desolate, mountainous region of China near Mongolia that’s very difficult to visit.

The Center Of The World Is Hiding In The Tiny Town Of Poniatowski, Wisconsin,

*We all need a little little trivia, right?

If I just stopped now, I’d be good to go and already a LOT more healthy than I was just a few months ago. I am going to keep going to meet this aggressive goal and get back to the weight I of my 20s as a young active duty Army soldier!

By Kreuz