New Mexico 2020 Trip

Our annual trip to New Mexico was a success. Thank you very much to my sister and her husband for their hospitality, hosting us in their home and putting up with us for 1+ week! 🙂 Thank you also to my awesome mother for all of the exceptional food and company!

With the Covid-19 thing going around, we didn’t have any excursions this time, so mostly social time, going to the grocery store, and some isolated walks and hikes. Not really a bad thing, more “quality time”!

We arrived late afternoon, just in time for dinner. Everyone else was already there. This includes my brother and wife from Kentucky, myself and wife from California, my sister and husband from New Mexico, and of course my mother from New Mexico.

The first night was really nice, we were not too tired since we stayed at a hotel in Flagstaff, AZ. The drive that day was relatively short compared to the previous night’s drive. My brother and sat on the deck, overlooking the Rio Grande valley, smoked Nicaraguan cigars, sipped on some whiskey, and reminisced about our time in the military.

Over the next few days, we ate good food, and consumed way too much wine and other spirits. One night the drink of the night was “Espresso Martini”, another was “Margaritas”, and probably 2 cases of wine over the course of a week and a half.

Three years ago we made it an annual trip for my mother’s birthday. Since both my mother and sister live in New Mexico and it’s an equal distance for my brother and I to travel, we do this in NM every year now. We went years without all of the siblings being together with our mother, mostly due to both myself and brother being in the military, and life changes. My mother moved back and forth from Wisconsin and New Mexico a couple times, my sister moved from Wisconsin to New Mexico for a career change. We all ended up scattered, several states apart. Every year I look forwards to this trip to catch up.

In-between visits we probably should be better about keeping in touch. I know that I don’t call as much as I should. Who knows, maybe we should start Zoom calls! 🙂

Thank you again everyone for another wonderful visit. See you next year!

By Kreuz