A few years back I did a weight losses program with great success and lost 40 pounds in ten weeks. I maintained this weight for about a year until it started to creep back up on me. Now I’m sitting at 350 lbs 6’5″and need to get my act together and drop this weight. My top weight was in August 2020 … 355 lbs!

I am currently on vacation in Northern New Mexico and have made some progress, but not exactly sure how much yet. Fire now this is just watching carbs and controlling portions. In a couple weeks I will be starting a medically supervised weight loss program where the evaluate my blood levels and dietitians work with me to create an optimized plan to meet my goals.

My goal is to drop 100 lbs in a year. I plan to do this through this program and stepping up my exercise.

I have been working from home for about 4 years now and my lack of activity got me where I am today. I stopped playing tennis, and working out. I used to do small triathlons, but that is also a distant memory now. Not a fan of running, but I do plan on biking and swimming.

When I vacation in NM, I usually do some moderate hiking and this year started looking at more advanced trails. I am not at all ready for these this year, but plan to train back in Northern California in the Sierra Foothills and hopefully be able to do some of these more advanced trails in the high deserts of NM next year.

I have the plan and the support, now all I needed is to keep my motivation and follow through. It’s time to get the old me back again!

By Kreuz