Starting Weight (August 2020): 355 lbs.

Current Weight (9/21/2020): 337 lbs.

Two weeks ago I committed to losing the weight I’ve been talking about losing for 2 years. I am pleased to announce that I lost 13 pounds, going from 350 to 337 as of today, 6/21/2020.

The amazing part of this was that I was on vacation during this time, and I kept my self-control through “most” of the time. I broke down and ate fast food at a gas stop to and from my destination, and a few “extras” while at my vacation destination in Northern New Mexico. It’s hard to resist family when there is so much food available. 🙂

In addition to controlling portions and keeping to “low-carb” food, I increased my activity to include some walks/hikes in New Mexico in the high altitude, and then some work on an elliptical at home.

In about 3 weeks, I will be starting a medically supervised weight loss program that will evaluate my current health level, including blood tests, etc. This program will include a dietician that will work with me to target what I need to do for my current situation.

Since I already have a pretty good head start on this program, using knowledge from previous programs, it looks like I have a pretty good start. My goal is 100 pounds lost in a year with a stretch goal of 150. This would put me at the weight I was at when I joined the Army at age 19. I am not sure this is possible, but we will see.

By Kreuz